Bible, History, and Omnibus Self-Paced Courses are $100 OFF! Code: FAITHANDFACTS


The bottom line in leadership isn’t how far we advance ourselves, but how far we advance others.  —John C Maxwell, author, speaker, pastor

You care about who teaches your children and you should. But have you considered who leads and supports them? Our administrative team – from our IT staff, to our headmaster, to operations and marketing – are carefully selected folks who love God, love children, and love classical education.

Meet the Administration

Academic Advisors

But he who is noble plans noble things, and on noble things he stands. Isaiah 32:8 ESV

Every full-time student in the Veritas Scholars Academy Diploma Program has a dedicated Academic Advisor who will provide knowledgeable counsel to ensure they are taking all the right courses to meet their fullest potential and are on track to meet graduation requirements.

Meet the Academic Advisors


I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you. Psalm 32:8 ESV

The impact that a great teacher can have on the education of a student is immeasurable. At Veritas, we understand the importance of great teachers and are proud to introduce you to our remarkable group of men and women that are helping to shape the minds of the next generation. As you will quickly see, our teachers are from all over the nation and even the world. Operating in an online environment has allowed us to find and attract some of the best teachers in the world.

Meet the Faculty